Deep Dive: Neural Radiance Fields Online

XSpada – The NeRF Platform for Spatial Data Exchange


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Another new NeRF company has emerged out of stealth mode this week: XSpada. With the 3 founders being spread across the country, they all grew up together in their hometown of Claremont, California. I spoke to their CEO, Pat about NeRFs and the intention of XSpada.

Pat (CEO): We’re after building the next-best-thing to being somewhere in person. Initially we were producing these outcomes with LiDAR. But in November of 2022, inspired by folks like Matt Tancik, James Perlman, Thomas Müller, it became clear to us that NeRF was emerging as credible technology. So we pivoted.

While there are NeRF platforms emerging, none appear to provide professionals an on-demand experience for fully creating, owning and sharing NeRFs without major compromise. For example, the solutions already out there require some combination of expensive equipment to create, forfeiting ownership and branding rights, or an inability to share, collaborate, preview, and sell your NeRFs. XSpada solves all that.


XSpada Logo

XSpada provides a comprehensive suite of tools tailored for professionals & teams to leverage ‘Limitless Media’ by being built with 3 core focuses in mind: Create it. Own it. Share it.

Create It

NeRFs are the missing piece that kick off a disruptive phenomenon we are about to witness within the spatial data industry, granting access to everything from an infinite amount of photos/videos -> 3D models & measurements -> mass image detection & data analysis, all from just a short video. XSpada enables any professional capture device between mobile phone owners to heavy duty film/drone crews to rapidly begin collecting moments that can be turned into Limitless Media.

Own It

With such fast-moving development in generative AI & content raising the expectations  of consumers, it’s hard for professionals to know which tools to start using to create high-quality deliverables without worrying that their original IP is ending up in unwanted hands & datasets. XSpada gives creators the control of their data as their first pit-stop before taking off into AI-enabled content creation. The company is committed to integrating with the most in-demand tools & platforms, while ensuring users always have the first edition of the media they create. This allows for the ability to work with high-quality clientele while feeling confident about where data deliverables are coming from without being unaware of who it’s going to.

Share It

Accessing these types of tools is a challenge, but sharing the data that is created from them can feel like a pipedream. XSpada removes the need for any special hardware or technical infrastructure, allowing for teams & clients to freely exchange this data as it was meant to be. Whether you are looking to send interactive previews, embed content across websites, or collaborate remotely with your decision makers, all paths lead back to the same place, right inside your everyday web browser.

Pat: I am really excited how this helps reshape a sense of presence for professional industries. So much cost is burned, getting subject matter experts in-person & on location. It forces countless operations across industries to settle on things like expensive budgets, rushed goals, or inaccurate data. XSpada is committed to delivering a high-class platform that strips down the barriers to entry of capturing high-quality data by enabling individuals & teams to go right where they need to be, when they need to be there, with all the best tools to get the job done right.

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I had the pleasure of running into two of the co-founders— Pat and Colin Kidwell at SIGGRAPH two weeks ago. The pricing has not yet been revealed to the public, but rumor has it that XSpada will be offered on a subscription basis for individuals & teams, while maintaining a robust SDK & licensing offering for enterprises looking to white label for their own web-based NeRF experiences.

I really like that you can organize your NeRFs by project. Right now I think it can be difficult to find certain NeRFs with other solutions, as you begin to rack up NeRFs in the thousands. Additionally, grouping deliverables together by NeRF allows for easier project tracking and transparency to clients.

The platform has a clean and uncluttered dashboard to access your NeRFs. Users further have the ability to attach locations to each NeRF.

Once you have processed a NeRF, you can see who originally captured it, with what device, and the location. There is also a snapshot and embed functionality. Personally, I’m a big fan of being able to embed NeRFs directly into websites. XSpada has a web previewer that is still in beta, but it’s looking like a great start to more accessible NeRFs within the browser.

(W,A,S,D – PC | Pinch,Scroll – Mobile)

Contact XSpada


Michael Rubloff

Michael Rubloff

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